Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Big Mean Tom

I killed Tom.  He was a big, mean, blue slate turkey, about a year and a half old.  Today, I will make sausage from him.  It will be delicious I'm sure!

I read a very interesting article in UU News (we attend a UU church....maybe I should do a post on that aspect of my lack of conventional faith?)  and it was a family with a mini farm like ours, she was killing animals she'd raised for food and trying to explain how she comes to turns with this in her belief system.  I get this.  I really do.  That big mean tom, he pretty much sealed his fate with me when he attacked my 4 year old son...and my friend, my husband, my neighbor....like I said, he had it coming.  I don't tolerate aggressive animals.  Anyhow, getting off track here, I'm not a vegetarian or vegan and nor do I care to be.  I do believe very strongly that we should respect the lives of all living creatures, even if we intend to eat them or a byproduct of their existence.  I think it's Joel Salatin who says something to the effect of...'They live a great life, with one bad day', and that's pretty much the philosophy I try to keep when rearing animals for food.

Thanks for reading.  I'll probably have more later.  I have this big turkey to get done today, can some spaghetti sauce and then I need to start working on some packets for my mozzarella demo at the farmer's markets (I have them two weekends in a row!).  Homesteading work never ends, combine that with housework never ends and you end up with my insanity.

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